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Since 2010,Guangzhou Zsmell solar window film manufacturer and trader which owning 47 employee including 13 R&D(Research and Development) personnels, has began the solar window film project and estabish our first factory after experiencing 3 years on the market to master the core technology.Although other companys with more productions and customer resources,Zsmell still maintain the one business philosophy that life only one thing.Even through we earn less money,we so prossional that almost no complaints.Focusing on the quality of production help us to sale the product cover more than 73 countries including 371 customers.Beside,we made 863 experiments and launched more than 1400 productions. Be rewarded by China solar film innovation brand for five consecutive years,Zsmell has cooperative project lab in America, Korea, India, Japan and German.Having 17 product technology patents and using the speed of more than 50 kinds of new product progress per year to show the value of our existence to more than 100 million consumers in this world.